Spotify Bot

Commands List

Spotify Api Commands

Command Usage Description
album S/album Fefe Search for an album on Spotify.
artist S/artist 6ix9ine Search artist on spotify.
Song S/song Fefe Search artist on spotify.
Playlist S/playlist Fefe Search playlist on spotify.

Music Commands

Command Usage Description
play S/play {youtube video to play} Adds a song to the queue
queue S/queue Lists the queued songs.
resume S/resume Resumes the currently playing song.
shuffle S/shuffle Shuffles the current queue of songs
skip S/skip Skips the song that is currently playing.
np S/np Shows the current status of the music.
stop S/stop Stops the music and wipes the queue.
volume S/volume 7 Changes the volume.
pause S/pause Pauses the currently playing song

General Commands

Command Usage Description
stats S/stats Displays statistics about the bot.
help S/help (command) Displays basic information or help for a command!
donate S/donate The bot will send you some links so you can donate.
feedback S/feedback (message) You can give the devs your feedback on the bot!
invite S/invite Responds with Spotify's invite links.
uptime S/uptime Tells you how long the I've been running consistently!

Information commands

Command Usage Description
avatar S/avatar [mention/ID/username] Shows the avatar of the specified user or yourself!/td>
channel S/channel [channel name] Displays all channels of the server, or gives information on a channel!
discrim S/discrim #0001 Searches for other users with a certain discriminator.
edits S/~edits [message ID] Fetches the recent edits of a message!
emoji S/emoji [emoji] Makes your given emoji bigger, or sends all your server emojis!
inrole S/inrole [role name] Gets all the members from a given role!
role S/role [role name] Shows detailed description of a role or lists all roles!
server S/server Shows some in-depth description for your server!
user S/user [mention/ID/username] Shows details about a user!


The bot won't and can't play music from Spotify, as that is illegal and against Spotify's Terms of Service. Instead, this bot will only play music from YouTube. Thank you for understanding.